Friday, December 19, 2008

Library Marketing: As Big as You Want It to Be

What can be covered in marketing? Marketing is as big as you want it to be, because there are many approaches to marketing which we find in library literature, e.g. Not-for-profit Marketing, Real-life Marketing, Relationship Marketing, Internal Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Symbolic Marketing, Direct Marketing, Customer Focused Marketing, Strategic Marketing, Digital Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Savvy Marketing , Future-driven marketing, Realistic Marketing, Experience Based Marketing, Permission Marketing. It is not necessary that we choose any of the approach and cannot shift to other while working on one or can we work simultaneously. It is very much possible, but it is not at all necessary to go by any of the stream as the library marketing itself has grown up and has a history of more than one hundred years. Perhaps libraries were the first in employing marketing in not-for-profit sector and also in the services area.

All aspects of signage, stock arrangement, display, new book strategy, departmental policies, entertainment facilities, refreshments at the library premises, all are part of library marketing. We do a lot of marketing every day, not only to the users but also we try to influence at attract attention of legislators, policy planners, fund providers and social leaders for a greater support for the library. We do it all to make them known about what we do, how we do which makes lives of users better. We can do lot of marketing through media and more specifically social media to impress upon reaching our voice to them. To draw a list of marketing ideas employed by librarians around the world is very difficult, but we can count upon include:

Internal publicity, Selling the Special library idea, Outside services, Contact with our clientele, Extension Service, User Expects, Public Relations, Librarian-customer relationship, Product development , User fee, Information brokers, User charges, Information economy, Market analysis, Information utilities , Pricing , Mega trend marketing, Segmentation, Marketing planning, Marketing strategy, Online services marketing, information and corporate culture, Fee or free, Fund raising, Lobbying , Environmental Scanning, Global marketing, New technology and marketing Mission statement, Marketing communication, Marketing audit, Information Marketing through physical environment , Fee based services, Satisfying patrons, Developing image, Brand strategies, Changing perceptions, making PR worth for, Consortium marketing, information and corporate culture, Customer Service , Service quality, Advocacy, Marketing campaign, Marketing library online, Information marketplace, Part-time public relations, Future-driven marketing, Publicity through web-design, Marketing 101, Product designed and testing , Measuring use and value, Electronic information service marketing Branding, Marketing your expertise , Visible librarian, Designing broachers, Shy librarian, Card campaign, Focus Group, @ your library campaign, Virtual reference, Realistic Marketing, Marketing through blogs, Performance measurement within marketing frame, Think like a business act like a library, Develop and market a winning collection, Signage strategies, Stock management, Inspiring displays, New books strategy, Departmental Policies, Favourites Policy, Entertainment Policy, Customer Care, Retail Strategies, Your refreshment offer, Internal marketing, External marketing, Partnership and Network marketing, Merchandising.