New Jersey State Library: "Seth Godin, Marketing and Your Library Tribes
Before a standing room only crowd of New Jersey librarians, small business owners and Ramapo College students, Marketing Guru Seth Godin presented his perspectives on the current trends in Social Marketing and discussed common-sense strategies for successful “Tribe” engagement at Ramapo College on October 28. The lecture coincided with the release of his new book Tribes, which is based on the semi-exclusive social networking Web site he created."
Before a standing room only crowd of New Jersey librarians, small business owners and Ramapo College students, Marketing Guru Seth Godin presented his perspectives on the current trends in Social Marketing and discussed common-sense strategies for successful “Tribe” engagement at Ramapo College on October 28. The lecture coincided with the release of his new book Tribes, which is based on the semi-exclusive social networking Web site he created."
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