Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You should be marketing every single day.

Interesting post How to Bring Passion to Your Marketing on the blog One Coach It says that the tendency for most businesses is to fall into the “I’m too busy” pattern. The truth is, too many businesses neglect their marketing until their situation is fatal, and then they become swamped and can’t possibly find enough time to get back on track. So the best approach is to stay on top of your marketing, do something marketing-related everyday, and always be on the lookout for innovative ways to present your product or service.

Not only marketing your idea/ service/product/experience/relationships, but also 'enjoy what you’re doing. Sure, marketing may not be fun for everyone, so don’t look at it as marketing, look at it as sharing'.

An interesting post and video What If Starbucks Marketed Like the Church?

You can see what marketing is all about: a product, a service, an experience and relationship?