Monday, May 10, 2010

Don't judge a library by its cover

An interesting story appears about a school library in Juneau Empire

...It is obvious that for many Gastineau students, the library is at the heart of their school universe, critical to their success at learning and a place where they feel good about themselves. Unlike some libraries this one is not a dry and quiet room where the ruffling of pages is the loudest noise - the library at Gastineau is alive. It inspires.

Kids love going there and always feel welcome - as do parents - to read, discuss books, attend social events, and take part in schoolwide events. The school librarian has created this special place.

The spelling bee finals, the "Battle of the Books," potlucks for teachers and parents - these are only a few of the successful events hosted at the library. I was at the "Battle of the Books," an event run by the school librarian, and saw parents and teachers and a librarian moved to tears by the efforts and the successes of the kids involved. Some team members were struggling readers, but you could see the pride of accomplishment on their faces and hear it in their voices when they gave a correct answer during the contest. It was unforgettable.

Reading might be the most important academic skill for kids to acquire early. The librarian at Gastineau puts in all kinds of time and effort to get to know each kid, encourage them daily, consult with parents and provide opportunities for reading success. She is not a mere "shusher" and book-shelver, but an inspired professional, a tireless advocate, and, for students, an ally and teacher.

I understand the library program is being cut in half at Gastineau, and I hope that decision is reversed. Cicero, an ancient Roman from whom we could still learn a thing or two, said, "If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need."

Read the full story